Episode 20: Weaponized Transparency
Is it possible that thousands of Americans have been programmed to harm themselves and everyone they love without realizing it? Are they fighting passionately for something that’s actually an illusion - an illusion deliberately designed to exploit their natural love of animals - for the personal gain of those directing them? Tom Leach, an attorney and leader in research advocacy and education, joins us today to help me break it down for you on today’s episode of GetReal!
The judicial system says NO to weaponized transparency!
UC Davis wins lawsuit filed by PETA
Precedent-setting lawsuit? IACUC members file lawsuit to seek protection
VICTORY! IACUC members receive protection from PETA via federal judge’s order
The discussion continues…
Opinion: Time to Take Animal Rights Harassment More Seriously, Jim Newman (AMP)
Opinion: Hold Animal Use Committees Accountable for Their Failures, Lisa Jones-Engel (PETA)
Inaccuracies in Lisa Jones-Engel’s (PETA) opinion piece…
LJE Statement: “PETA submitted a public records request in June 2021 requesting copies of all of the IACUC appointment letters created or produced by UW institutional official(s) since January 2014. These records would include the names of all individuals appointed to the IACUC during that period and the category that they had been designated to fill…as required by the Public Health Services policy requirements for IACUC members.”
FACT: Only the names of the Attending Veterinarian, Institutional Official and IACUC Chair are required by the Office of Laboratory Animal Welfare (OLAW, PHS). Download the annual report form here and note what is stated on the bottom of p. 3: Names of members, other than the chairperson and veterinarian, may be represented by a number or symbol in this report to OLAW. Sufficient information to determine that all appointees are appropriately qualified must be provided and the identity of each member myst be readily as ascertainable by the institution and available to authorized OLAW or other PHS representatives upon request.
LJE Statement: “But neither the USDA nor the NIH actually oversees such committees. There is no compliance check that determines that the IACUC has properly appointed its members.”
FACT: In addition to the information required in the annual report required by OLAW noted above, institutions receiving federal funds from the NIH must have an Assurance in place (renewed every 4 years) that requires detailed descriptions of IACUC member qualifications and processes, in accordance with the PHS Policy on Humane Care and Use of Laboratory Animals. The USDA also oversees the qualifications of IACUC members as noted in the Animal Welfare Act Regulations. And the Animal Welfare Inspection Guide (USDA) states clearly that USDA inspectors are to inquire about IACUC member constitution and qualifications (pp. 207-208).
So…what will PETA verify that isn’t already being verified repeatedly by federal oversight agencies and WHY does PETA really want these names??
It’s fine to disagree, but let’s keep our homes and families safe.
Families should be protected against harassment at home | Opinion, Tom Leach